Case Studies: MasterRouter Success Stories

Nominated Delivery Day (NDD) Case Study: Bottled Water Delivery Company
A company that delivers bottled water in the UAE to many stores on nominated delivery days needed to find a way to balance the workload amongst the team while reducing their costs.

Master Routes Case Study: Milk Deliveries
See how MasterRouter helped a dairy farm in India to optimize their milk deliveries – improving the total distance travelled by 43%.

Region Cutting Case Study: Daily Sales Routes
A large confectionary manufacturer in India needed to optimize their daily routes for over 5000 sales reps. See how MasterRouter created ideal routes for the sales reps while enabling more outlets to be visited at a lower cost.

Sales Rep Case Study: Large Beverage Manufacturer
A large beer manufacturer has a team of 700 sales reps visiting over 100 000 outlets. They use MasterRouter to create optimal daily sales rep routes for reps of varying skill levels. See how MasterRouter creates ideal routes for the sales reps, adhering to the skill-level constraints, and saving the company over 5 million kilometers annually.
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